Monday, April 13, 2009

An Annoyed Post...

So I have never tried to be / or claimed to be the
(or parent for that matter),
but I have a rant about something that I have noticed more and more of that drives me nuts.
  • If you are a parent, you should NOT be posting pictures of yourself in your bra / nude on your MySpace page or any other Internet forum. Actually, you should not be doing that anyway, but especially if you are a parent. I don't care if you are young and single. You made the choice to bring a child into the world which makes you a grown up. Act like one. And not a skanky one. Don't post pictures of yourself mostly nude / nude anywhere! I feel really bad for your kids when you do. What are you teaching them by doing this?!?
Now, maybe you feel like "hey, I'm young and doing the best that I can" and "why shouldn't I? I can have a little fun!" You're right. You can have a little fun. Post pictures of you at a movie premier. Or dressed in your cute new dress. Or something like that. Do you have to be naked / in only a bra to have fun??? Have you taken time to sit down with your kid and read to them? Or how about fly a kite? Or build a sand castle? Or play a game? Post pictures of you doing that with your kid. Maybe the "quality" of a person you meet would be someone that likes you AND your kid without saying things like "nice rack" or "nice bra". That shouldn't be why a person likes you. That shouldn't be how you are "advertising yourself".... Grrr...

And if you are reading this and thinking - "well, Ms. Mandy, not everyone is as Molly Mormon as you" or "my fun and your fun are different", please remember. I have a past. I try not to judge. I think you can be a good person / parent and still go out with your friends. You can still drink. You can be a lesbian. You can have several people you are seeing. You can do MANY things AND STILL BE be a good example and a good parent. Just have respect for yourself and your kids. They are smart. They have enough coming at them in this world to deal with. They don't need to see their parent strutting their stuff all over the Internet. Or around the house. Or whatever.

OKAY, SO: Sorry about this post. I tried to note it in the title that I was annoyed. I had to vent the frustration that was running around in my head and since my hubby is at work and just says "I know" when I vent this to him, I needed another outlet. I know I'm not the best mom. I know that. I know my kids don't read as good as they should and they watch too much TV. I know that. Just (PLEASE) take this into consideration before posting that picture of you in your new leopard print bra...

Your kid may be watching you and choosing what to become in his / her future today. Be an example of what you want them to be.


Michelle D. Argyle said...

This is a good post, Mandy, and I agree with you. We should always be aware of who is watching.