Friday, July 3, 2009

HAHAHAHA!!!! It's Just a Cold!!!

My hubby hasn't been feeling good. He's been coughing up a lung around our house lately. Seriously, this has been a really sick summer for our little household... But anyway... Yeah, it's Jeremiah's turn. He even missed a day of work, which he usually doesn't do. He's been coming home from work, eating soup and taking medicine and going to sleep. No help with kids, no help around the house, nothing...

Well, he finally went to the doctor on Tuesday because he was certain (and I was starting to think so) that he had Strep Throat, Pneumonia, or even Swine Flu (cuz guys at his work have been diagnosed with it). I've been giving him crap of how I had pneumonia, but I still was functional. And how I have been doing MY job, blah blah blah. We give each other crap like that all the time... So when he went to the doctor, I told him that I hoped something was wrong with him or I was never going to let him live it down. :)

So he calls me on Tuesday and says, so guess what I have? I guessed pneumonia, strep, swine flu... Nope. Nothing. A bad cold. HAHAHAHA!!! That means I get to tease him for forever about it!!! HAHAHAHA!!! I love having something to tease him about... :)