Wednesday, February 25, 2009

MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice - HERE I COME!!!

So yeah... I'm an 80's / 90's kid. I was in dance. I liked popular music of the day. And no one was bigger than Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer (except for NKOTB, but that's another blog from another day). ANYWAY...

Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer
have joined forces for one night in UTAH

(of all places, really? Utah?)
and I am going!!!

I don't know how it happened, but my lovely husband did our taxes and we're getting a refund and to celebrate getting money back, I'm spending some on tickets to see these two musical geniuses from my childhood! It's happening this Friday (Feb. 27th) at the McKay Event Center. Want tickets? They still had some left... Check out their site:

I doubt I'll wear Hammer Pants and I doubt I'll be in day glow fashion, but I'll be excited and giddy still the same... :) I'll post pictures after the concert for you all to be jealous of... :)

Am I the only one who thinks he's hot? :)
Amber - does he remind you of Brandon at all??? WEIRD!!!