Saturday, May 2, 2009

A bad day...

This was me yesterday...

Normally, I am a happy person. Normally. I take my Zoloft and I am a nice person. I can handle the weird little things that come my way. I don't yell at my kids all day and I don't think about ways to destroy things. Normally.

BUT, when I forget to take (or run out of) my Zoloft, I am evil. I am scary. I yell. I cry. I think about running people off the road because they cut me off or just looked at me funny. My kids suffer. My husband suffers. My house suffers. I suffer. Yesterday was an evil day. No Zoloft for 2 days. I forgot for one day and couldn't find my pill bottle the other. And I turned into an evil, teeth-baring monster. I seriously feel like I was the "Scary Sully" from 'Monsters, Inc'.

I'm thankful to / for my Zoloft.
And my Angie (who gave me chocolate).


Michelle D. Argyle said...

Yeah, that's me off of Welbutrin. Just not pretty. And chocolate always helps. :)