Saturday, February 11, 2012

RANDO-MANDY-TY = Work Life and My Hair

This is just a completely random post...

I am still loving my job. Me and 14+ mostly married (and for the most-part TRAINED) boys? Um, yes. I like it. They know I'm a girl. They know to say things like:
"OH, you aren't wearing your glasses today. Are you wearing contacts? You look cute." or
"You dyed your hair. It looks nice." or
"I like the smell of your perfume."....

They also know that I like chocolate and I'm usually spoiled with it. And they know to compliment me when I've worked at losing some weight (yeah, I've lost 16lbs recently). And they buy me lunch sometimes. And they know that I thrive on "good job" compliments. I take care of them, they take care of me. :) It's great.

Yesterday at work, one of the guys went to Burger King and got a crown. He brought it back to work, wrote "Maintenance Princess Mandy" and told me I should wear it at Disneyland. I said "How about all day at work today instead?" And so I did. All day. :) People who came into the office asked if it was my birthday. I would smile and say "No." I'm sure they think I'm weird, but that's ok. I had fun. I like being the only girl in the department. :)

(my "Maintenance Princess Mandy" crown...)

Another RANDOM thing... I have a cute hair piece thing that makes my hair look like I spent time on it when really, all I did was pull my hair back into a pony tail / bun thing. And I love it. I've been wearing it a bunch lately. It matches my hair basically perfectly because I haven't dyed my hair lately and you can see my dark roots (haha) with the reddish hair. That's how my hair piece is too, so it's great. And I took pictures because (like my dad would say) I'm vain.

Haha, yep. So that's what I wanted to write about today.
Have a great one!
:) Mandy