Friday, February 27, 2009


For my loyal viewers (all 2 of you), I wanted to share this blog I stalk faithfully. :)

And there was a hilarious post about how Moses is like Harry Potter!

Click here to read it...

You won't regret it and you are welcome.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I HATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You may be thinking "Mandy, it's not nice to hate" and to that I say type in this address 644 North 2000 West, LINDON, UT into MapQuest and then try and find it... Yeah. Doesn't exist according to them. But it gives you the exact same address in Pleasant Grove! Pleasant Grove, Lindon and American Fork all run together. So you go to the address that is listed and its a bunch of car repair places. I drive around more. For 2 1/2 hours I am looking for Noah's to take donations for the LOVE SWAP (click on that or this for the link to this awesome event that takes place TOMORROW!) Seriously, I drove 2 1/2 hours. And when I found it (by complete chance), it was SO easy I almost cried (out of frustration!) And because I couldn't find the place in a timely manner, my boys missed out on an awesome birthday party. Now I feel even worse because my kids are suffering....

SO, if you are going to the LOVE SWAP tomorrow (and you should because they have LOTS of stuff and it looks GREAT!), I think this will be the easiest way to go...
(Please note, I am not great with directions, but I think this is correct!)
Take Exit 274
Turn Right at the stop light
There is one building. That's Noah's.

Yeah. That easy. (I think!)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice - HERE I COME!!!

So yeah... I'm an 80's / 90's kid. I was in dance. I liked popular music of the day. And no one was bigger than Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer (except for NKOTB, but that's another blog from another day). ANYWAY...

Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer
have joined forces for one night in UTAH

(of all places, really? Utah?)
and I am going!!!

I don't know how it happened, but my lovely husband did our taxes and we're getting a refund and to celebrate getting money back, I'm spending some on tickets to see these two musical geniuses from my childhood! It's happening this Friday (Feb. 27th) at the McKay Event Center. Want tickets? They still had some left... Check out their site:

I doubt I'll wear Hammer Pants and I doubt I'll be in day glow fashion, but I'll be excited and giddy still the same... :) I'll post pictures after the concert for you all to be jealous of... :)

Am I the only one who thinks he's hot? :)
Amber - does he remind you of Brandon at all??? WEIRD!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Summit Ward Talent Show...

I have to say, this is one of the most creative awesome things I have ever seen...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

5 - 5 - 5

This Tag Is: Find the 5th pic in your 5th pic folder and share, then tag 5 friends.

My friend Michelle tagged me... AND, I have a couple different places on my computer where pictures are stored, so you get treated to a few...

The boys on their 1st day of school this year - they were worried about getting in the bushes

Jeremiah, baby Tanion and white kitty watching King of the Hill

5 Generations picture with Tanion, Jeremiah, Sandra, Nile (since passed) and Gma Dawna (who I want to be when I grow up!)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friends :)

I love my friends. They are all SO wonderful! :) They all have their qualities that I adore and want to be just like in some way or another. I feel the need to express some love to a few of these ladies. Don't be offended if you aren't on here - I have only chosen a few...

Jenn after the NKOTB concert!! :)
I love Jenn. :) She has some of the same obsessions that I do - like Lucky (don't get us started) and Grey's Anatomy. We are sort of obsessed. And it is probably not the most healthy of obsessions, but we understand it about each other and we love each other for it! :) During Grey's, Jenn and I will text each other back and forth about how we love this or hate that. A few weeks ago I watched Grey's and couldn't text Jenn about it because she was watching Bones with her mom (so nice to do that!). I missed her SO much! I was going to do this text then, but didn't for different reasons. But today, the urge was strong again and I just wanted to say to all of you that I totally love her. :)

Angie reading Breaking Dawn at our "Twilight Girls Night"
This girl can crack me up. She is a fantasticly easygoing mom of 3 boys and soon to be 1 girl. She lives close by so we trade babysitting, we go to McDonalds together, take the kids to parks or whatever. And we visit. We compare the kids at where they are with behavior or stages or whatever and assure each other that we are normal. :) Any conversation can turn perverted and we giggle like little kids with each other. We also understand that our husbands have made us better. If I need someone to vent to or to just have an adult conversation with, I call Angie and we meet up for ice cream. For someone who is so normal, she sure is different! :)

The Smith Kids - Gotta love these guys! :)
I have adopted her families as mine. Her dad's family (I love you, Smith Family!) and her husband's family (love you too, Bolinder's) are amazing families that I wish I was REALLY a part of. But they both let me claim them and show up to their houses to play, so I appreciate that. :) Mandy is my person. (Do you have a person? Do you know what I am talking about?) We lost each other for a few years, but I can't say enough how grateful I am that we are "back together" again. :) I would move to Tooele just to be closer to her. Now that is love.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Taking a computer break...

So I have been on the computer for probably around 16 hours this weekend. That's too much when you are supposed to be paying attention to your kids and being a parent. SO, I'm taking a break for a few days. To reclaim my Awesome Parent title. See you in a few days.