Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Appreciation for babies :)

Robyn and Baby Kiah, Nov. 2009

Sometimes, when life is good, you don't realize how good it is. Sometimes you will take those little moments for granted. You don't give your babies enough loves. You don't get down on the floor and play with them enough. You just don't show them how much you really love them. Then something happens - life slaps you in the face. Kids get sick. And it all comes hurtling back into perspective.

Angie has been one of my bestests (friends) since I was in 4th grade. We've been through quite a lot together. She was my Maid of Honor when I got married. :) She's my girl version of Jeremiah. :) She's a total goof ball and I love her for it. :)

Angie has 4 kids. 3 boys and one precious little girl named Kiah. Today is Kiah's birthday. And not just any birthday... Her 1st birthday! :) Last year, I was visiting this little doll in the hospital. Last year, I was holding her and kissing her and loving on her. Loving this little girl who my Angie has been waiting and wanting for SO long. Today, I was in another hospital room, loving on and kissing this same little girl and visiting with my Angie.

Kiah is sick, but she'll be okay. She was acting like she was teething and had a cold, but when her face started to swell (down by her jaw bone), they took her to the doctor. Antibiotics didn't cut it and now they are in the hospital. Kiah was admitted on Monday and they hope to bring her home by Thursday - with enough time to get a party together for her oldest little guy who turns 7 on Sunday. They have drained bacteria from the swelling and are doing tests on it. Unfortunately, the swelling is back so they are thinking they may have to do surgery. It's not necessarily a life or death experience, but it is a scary, scary thing to have your little one in the hospital. For any reason.

I didn't know that visiting baby Kiah in the hospital was going to affect me. But it did. I was suddenly back to the same hospital that Robyn was diagnosed in. The same cribs. The same Hospital room set up. The kids floor and play room. I started shaking a little and actually ended up crying a little while reliving my Robyn's experience.

Angie and I talked about how it's scary and how you long to see your 'healthy' kids and how you feel like you should just hold your sick little one. We both decided that if this is what it takes to be able to relate or to be strong and grow personally, that we're happy NOT relating to others and being weak and not growing personally. :)

It also makes you stop and think about your life - what is precious and what deserves your time and how you can be better. About how you freaked out and left your husband at the hospital to take care of your daughter because you couldn't handle it YET your friend is refusing to eat or go to the bathroom because she has to be there and hold and comfort her baby. Angie is a good mom. A great mom. And a great friend. :) She is calm and she's feeling the blessings of health and modern medicine. She's pretty much amazing.

Happy Birthday to baby Kiah - we wish you a happy and healthy new year. Get better soon, baby girl!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Because I just have to...

A few days ago, hysterical giggling came from my bedroom. Jeremiah was watching something on TV in our bedroom and a commercial for Old Spice came on. He pushed rewind on the DVR and called me in because I HAD to see it. He's right, it's pretty fun. :) Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's okay.

Ah, I love my boys. :)
They bring me such joy.

Even when they drive me crazy,
I love them. :)

So yesterday we received a call from DarTanion's school. He needs to go to the early morning (at school at 7:30am!) reading group to get to 'where he should be' on reading for the end of the year. And that is my fault. I should read with him more. I should be more patient. I should work harder with him and I don't. So guess how I told him?

"You are so awesome that they want to you to be at school in the morning, too! They want to help you learn to read better and they have this special class and they asked if you could come to it. Isn't that awesome?"

Yep. It's an awesome thing, alright. Mom didn't work hard enough on it that someone else gets to work with you. Boo Mom! Yay school.

And then there is my Moe... Silly little Archer guy. The child that Jeremiah and I talk about probably the most. I've got a feeling that he's gonna give us (and everyone else) a little hell in the school / learning department. Because he learns differently. He is a hands on, let me do it myself, take it apart and put it back together, mechanical learner. He hates to color (unless it's on the walls). He doesn't like to cut out and glue things together (unless of course it's mommy's scrap book papers or pictures)... The most creative thing about this little dude is how he likes to dress. And for that, he is a total creative rock star genius.

He's been in Preschool at an awesome school (Hobble Creek Learning Center - shout out!) with great teachers for 2 years now. TWO YEARS! The kid is barely starting to write his name. It has to be HIS idea. If you tell him to write his name, there is no way. But if he finds a pen, you can bet his name (or something similar to it) is all over that job application, Medicaid card or any other important document. It's funny because Jeremiah and I joke that at the parent teacher conferences they will say something like 'he's getting better' and they do. And he is. But getting him to sit on the rug at circle time or to do anything besides centers - he puts up a little fight. Because he wants to do centers. The only thing that gets him through ART is the thought of if he doesn't finish his picture, he'll miss centers. And he will delay art as long as he can. He's almost always the last one to leave the tables - at art time, letter time, practice writing your name time.... Yep. My stubborn little guy. My guess is that he'll need all day Kindergarten. Which (in Provost Elem) is generally for the kids who don't get any schooling before they start going to public school or who have a learning disability or speak another language.... Yep. That's my guess...

So, we move forward. DarTanion's excited about his Early Morning Reading class. His best little friend from school is in it with him, so life is fine. Archer will move forward and probably be excited because he wants to go to school with DarTanion and to eat lunch there and play on their playground. I'm sure he'll fit learning in there somewhere. And hopefully, Robyn will like to learn. And she'll get her Dad's memorization skills. And it will all be fine. :)