Thursday, September 3, 2009


I am feeling overwhelmed. Stuck. Lost.

I love my Primary calling. It keeps me distracted and keeps me happy. It's something I feel like I'm good at. The kids are wonderful and it's so great to see them grow.

I love my Family. My kids are smart and funny and cute. My husband is a hard worker and truly my best friend.

I have a good life. I'm blessed. I'm surrounded by good people. We have relatively good health. My daughter seems to be getting better. Our house is *almost* done.

So what is wrong!?

I'm feeling worthless. Like I can't / don't do anything.
I'm tired. All of the time.
I'm feeling guilty because I spend too much time being distracted by the computer.
I don't want to cook / clean / do any chores.
I feel like I should cry.
I can't afford my daughters hospital bills. No word from Medicaid yet.
I should be better at teaching / playing with / reading to my children.

I think I'm going to take a break from being online. Maybe I'll feel better. Maybe I'll feel productive... Maybe...