Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Random thought have been running through my head and I thought, EH, I should do a post on these random things. :) Random Mandy Thoughts. Random-MAN-i-DY! :) YAY!

SO, here we go with

*Looking at pictures of Moe as a baby makes me want another baby. But I'm done. I've given away all of my baby things. I have nothing to have another baby. I'm fine with 3. (Repeat until you believe it.)

*I love the Provo Library. I have checked out SO MANY things lately - movies, books, CD's, books on CD... AND they have free events. Free events that my kids love. Free events that are FREE. :) Free, free, free. :)

*When I balanced my checking account the other day (I take it off the online version, put it into a spreadsheet), I forgot to add in the checks that I wrote out from my check book (I pay almost everything online). Slight mistake. Only a difference of, oh, $200. Whoops! Hope we don't need gas for a while!

*I went to Mesquite / St. George for my boys' Spring Break last week. It was awesome. I had a fun time and took tons of pictures. But I haven't found the energy to go thru all those pictures and post a blog on it. Sounds like a big project and I just don't want to do it yet. So, soon... Hopefully.

*I love FaceBook because it gives me a glimpse into the lives of my friends. Helps me feel like I'm not such a bad friend. But if I was a better friend, wouldn't I stop by to see them or call them just to say hi?? Man... I hope I'm not a bad friend.

*I'm looking for a job with insurance. The family NEEDS to have insurance. I really don't care to have a job (I'd rather stay at home with the munchkins), but families need insurance. And families with a child with a heart problem (and parents who haven't had a job in 5 months) can't afford health insurance without the employer spotting at least SOME of the cost!

*I really like our renters. They are fabulous. :) I'm kinda jealous that 'the mom' is pregnant. I love prego bellies. :) My friend Beeno was pregnant with twins and I absolutely LOVE her prego pictures. :) They make me super giddy happy. :)

*I miss my Heber friends. COME SEE ME! I'd love it! If I come that way, I'll have kids in tow and really, what's the fun in that? I'd be too busy yelling at my kids to come back, sit down or be nice to really get the chance to visit. If you are at my house, I can ignore them. :) I don't have to worry about what they will break. :)

*Now that Jeremiah has a job, he's been offered a whole bunch of side work. Of course. Now that he has limited time, he has the chance to have even less time with us. Boo and YAY at the same time.

*My kids miss Jeremiah more than I do now that he's working. Robyn's constantly going around the house saying, 'Daaaaaaaaaadddddddyyyyy'...

*I can't watch the news (or read news stories that aren't about celebrity drama). It makes me super depressed and full of anxiety. So I don't. I avoid it. I live in my own little bubble and I'm okay with that.

*I don't have health (or dental) insurance. I'm due to see a doctor in May for a yearly exam and to get a refill on my 'happy' medicine (Zoloft). Also I have a tooth ache and I chipped my crown in, oh, December. And I have no money to use on such things. I'm kinda thinking I might have to, though. Sorry people / places we owe money to.

*Jeremiah's not currently home (and it's 10:36pm). He went to my sister's house after work to work on her bathroom. And guess what? I'm okay with it. :) It's been nice to not feel guilty about listening to my Ipod while I clean the kitchen, then download a whole bunch of music on to my computer and read all the blogs I was behind on. :) I like non-guilty ME time.

*I'm a big fan of the mixtape. I want to make mixtape CD's for all my friends. And neighbors. And people I don't even know. What kind of music do you want on yours? :)

*I want a new entertainment center. A big one. That takes up lots of room and holds lots of junk. And I want Jeremiah to build it. And paint it. And make it beautiful. But I think I'd like a new front door, first.

* I totally love the band BOWLING FOR SOUP. They are awesome. :) I saw them in concert in August 2007 (you know, 7 months pregnant with Robynson!) and they were great. :) I've liked them for a while now, but for some reason, they are suddenly my #1 band. :) In the car, on the computer, on my IPod, on my Facebook Status! :) They're fab. If you haven't checked them out, DO! You'll love them too. :)

Okay, that's enough sharing for tonight. Thanks for listening to my Random-MAN-i-DY! :)