Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Is something wrong?

Ever feel like something is just wrong?

Lately, I've been paranoid that there is something is wrong with me. I feel like I've gotten sick or nauseous more often. I can't seem to remember things like I used to. I always seem to be SO tired for no real reason.

I keep thinking - maybe I should go get checked out. Like a whole physical thing. Just to see. But honestly, if I'm a doctor and someone comes in and says "Well, I'm tired and nauseous and forgetful." - I'm probably going to think they are a hypochondriac or just a normal mom or something. Right? Am I being weird?

Tell me what you think because honestly, I don't know if I should see a doctor or if I am just being overly dramatic or something... Is this NORMAL as you get older? Or do you think that something could be wrong?


Michelle D. Argyle said...

Um... it kinda sounds like your pregnant...

Hate to, uh, worry you there, but are you? Have you checked?

Derico Photography said...

Hope you don't mind that I ventured over to visit you. I get like that when I am trying to do too much, even though it really doesn't seem like it's too much, sometimes it just is, and it's been building up and just making me all the more tired and forgetful and sick feeling. Sounds like you just need a break from it all and some good restful sleep.

On the flip side, you might want to go to the doctor and let him know all that's been going on just to make sure you aren't really sick and that you aren't going to work yourself into getting sick.

Mandy said...

Wow! Someone followed me from your blog! Awesome! :) And yes, I have checked the Pregnancy Thing... I have wonderful birth control (IUD: Mirena)where I NEVER have my girly times, so that was actually my first thought. No baby. *PHEW!*

Thanks for sharing! :) I really don't think I have been doing too much and I did take a week away from "the day to day life" and pretty much slept for 2 days of it... Maybe I will have to check with a doctor...

Michelle D. Argyle said...

So are still feeling icky?

Mandy said...

Sort of. It comes and goes. It's been that way for a while, which is the only reason I wonder. BUT I will be fine. :) I'm sure of it.