Saturday, January 3, 2009

We're going to Florida...

We're heading to Florida next Friday.

Not the whole family, just Miah and me. :) But I do feel a little guilty about that because I know that my boys would LOVE it there.... BUT, there is a few reasons (justifications) WHY we aren't taking them:
  1. Our plane tickets were free (thanks to Euclid's Christmas Party 2007) and there were only 2 of them.
  2. We've never been there before and we don't want to take our whiney kids there when WE don't even know where we are going or what we are doing.
  3. The boys have school.
  4. Miah's parents are coming with us and the suite is only 2 bedrooms (and less than $200 for the whole 9 days!)
  5. It'll be nice to have a break (even though I know a few days into it I'm gonna have a breakdown from missing the kiddies so much and want to go home).
  6. It's the BEST time to go to Disneyworld. It's their slowest time ever. :) YAY! (Wait, I guess that's not really a reason to NOT take the kids, but....)
  7. NO money. We can't even really afford to go ourselves, but we're going to bankrupt ourselves with one last wonderful trip. :)
So yeah, you can see that it's just easier to NOT bring them, right?

I have to send a few big THANK YOU's to my parents (most specifically my mommy) and Miah's sister for watching the kids while we are gone. AND a big THANKS to Miah's parents for being part of a vacation club where we can get places to stay for super cheap. :)

So, be jealous of us. Hate us even. But I'm going to Disneyworld and YOU aren't! :) So HA! :)


Gone, long gone. said...

No money? You'll need several hundred dollars just for a bottle of water there, never mind eating!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

I hope you had a fantastic time!!! How great! Take advantage of these great opportunities when they come.