Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm a bad example...

So I'm having a "Bad Mandy!" day.

Today is Sunday and for us, that means church. It was my Sharing Time Lesson in Primary and I sort of put off doing it entirely... Normally I don't, but I guess I've gotten busy or lazy. :) So I finished my Lesson, got the kids ready and we went to church. We let Miah sleep because he was tired after working hard all week. **Poor thing...**

On the way to church, Tanion asks if we can stop at Maverik after church and get a treat and a drink if they are good. "Where would he get such an idea from?" you ask? My bad example... We've done that for the last few weeks... Bad me... I tell him no and that we really need to NOT shop on Sundays because we're not supposed to... Then I explain the whole "What is and what is not appropriate on Sundays" thing... He said okay and didn't worry about it.

SO, then when we get home, Miah's still asleep, I'm wanting to be asleep and the kids are "starving to death"... The only thing that sounds good to me? Big Mac and Salty Fries and a Coke... So what do I do? I go to McDonalds, of course! On Sunday. After my earlier speech... And the neighbor kids see me... After my lesson on Faith and "that by obeying the Prophets we can show our Faith"...

So, yeah...
I've got to work on this whole
"example" thing...