Friday, January 29, 2010


I had the intentions of another 'boo-hoo / poor me' post, but I'm not going to. I'm just going to say that my nose is sore from wiping it so much. And that I feel bad for Robynson. And then explain.

I have a sinus infection, but am on good prescription meds for it and hopefully in the next few days will be able to breath and be happy and upbeat before I know it! (and it only cost $100!)

Robynson has 'mouth ulcers' - the doctor used some long term in addition to that but essentially she has big, white, puss-filled sores in the crease of her mouth. She's been crying for pretty much all of the last few days and not really been wanting to eat. The doctor wanted to give her some medicine for it that would take care of it right away BUT it hasn't been tested on kids under the age of 12, so he didn't want to give it to her. So, for the next 7-10 days, I get to torture my daughter, hold her down and smear oragel (or other teething meds) on the sores to make them less sore and feed her really bland food.


(But my attitude is starting to improve, so that is good...)

The end.


Cherlelynn Bednar said...

Poor thing. I always hate it when my kids are sick and wish it were me instead. I hope Robyn and you get better soon.