Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Anxiety, Poo, Flu and an update

So my last post probably made you all anxious too, right? Sorry about that.

Robyn's been acting better today. She's thrown up once (right after lunch) and her diapers just keep on coming full of poo. I called Primary Children's this morning and the nurse who called me back was super wonderful.

She said that since Robyn is having liquid poo diapers that at least she is getting SOME liquid out and it's probably hard to tell if some of it is pee in with the poo.

She said to watch Robyn for a fever (which she hasn't had).

She said to keep feeding Robyn anything that she will eat or drink. We are trying anything.

Then, she said that if she doesn't seem to be getting better or if she gets really worse (breathing issues or so lethargic that she just doesn't want to move), then to bring her in.

So for now, with Robyn, we wait.

I'm doing better - not as anxious - thanks to the nurse.

Archer on the other hand has been throwing up since about 6 am this morning. Every 15 - 30 minutes. And pooping every 30 minutes or so. Sometimes he does both at the same time. Then he cries. And is sad because he's a big boy and big boys don't poop in their pants. I've tried to tell him that it's okay because he's sick and he's not TRYING to poop in his pants...

Ah, parenthood. Full of the 3 P's... Pee, Poop, Puke.

**Please feel free to keep the prayers coming our direction, though. I appreciate them!**


Cherlelynn Bednar said...

How scary! I hope all goes well. It's so hard when your child has been very sick and then gets sick again. (Rather the next time is serious or not it still feels like it--I know the feeling!)