Thursday, July 8, 2010


1 - So I was asleep. Jeremiah was showering and I had (have) a headache and passed out while he was in the shower. Except he turned the light to our bedroom on when he came in from the shower, which woke me up. Now I'm awake and my brain won't shut down. So I'm writing.

2 - I watched over an hour of Eclipse (New Moon and Twilight) parodies today. And loved it. Some were funny. Some sucked. But it was good times. With my Angie.

3 - I totally forgot about the free "Make and Take" craft at the library today. I was watching parodies on YouTube and letting kids run through the sprinklers outside instead. Here's a picture from last week's make and take... Rocket balloons and creative hats.
4 - I think I'm one of the only people in Utah who didn't mind the 4th of July celebrations being spread out over 3 days. I thought it was kind of fun. I watched Stadium of Fire fireworks outside my house on the sidewalk by MYSELF (the boys were in Koosharem and Robyn was asleep with Miah) for the first time since we moved here. Sunday we all just let sparklers in our jammies. Monday we partied with friends. Here are just a few pictures of that...

1st - sparklers, 2nd - Robyn and Abbi V, 3rd - Miah and baby Eden

5 - I love this picture of my boys watching the parade. They look like they are friends. Excited, happy friends. 6 - I threw a birthday party for Tanion at a nearby park yesterday. I had 39 goody bags. They are all gone. I think (if I counted correctly), we had 30 kids there and a handful of really awesome parents. That's a good turn out! :) I took pictures of him opening presents, but they haven't been downloaded yet (and the lighting was TERRIBLE!!!)

7 - I don't know if I'm ready for my 'big guy' to be SEVEN!

8 - I love Robyn in these pictures. :) She totally cracks me up. Diva in training, no doubt about it. :)

9 - I'm annoyed at the fact that my husband can eat like an unhealthy little piggy and yet he still can drop weight like no one's business. Not fair. Normal 'after dinner / before bed' snack for him?

10 - I just compiled a bunch of pictures of my Tanion for a blog about him (in honor of his big 7 birthday)... NOW I remember why I had more children. He was (and really, still is) SO stinkin CUTE!

11 - I adore my Father-In-Law. He is very humble and quiet and pretty much awesome. And how many guys can wear a shirt that has a picture of a guy who looks JUST like you on it and think it's awesome? :)

12 - You may have already noticed, but I had Angie cut and color my hair. :) I like it.

13 - I'm doing better on my withdrawal symptoms. Only affecting me sometimes instead of all the time. Mostly just dizzy every once in a while. Nights are the worst, though.

14 - The kids and I have played outside in the sprinklers 3 times in the last few days. I've actually ran through them a few times too! :) We have had some great times with our friends who have joined us on our water adventures. Thanks Stuart, Draysen, Bagley Family and Hartley Family!

15 - I'm going to end now and post a little blog on my BIG BOY over on the family blog... Here's the collage I'm going to use. Isn't he a cutie pie!?! :)