Saturday, July 3, 2010

There is a Reason why I'm going INSANE!!!

For the last 2 weeks,
I've been going crazy.

I'm talking totally fine one minute, bawling the next (for no reason, mind you).

I'm talking feeling okay, eating some ice cream and then spend the next 12 hours vomiting up everything possible (sorry for the mental picture). That's happened 3 times in the last 10 days. Not a fun time. Not a good way to start / end / spend a day.

I'm talking sleeping for days at a time (and by days I mean that I'm asleep more than I am awake lately and even when I'm awake, I could still be sleeping and still try to crawl back into bed if kids / hubby will allow).

Other feelings lately...
Super Nauseous
Upset Tummy
Crampy, yucky tummy
Whole body shocks - kinda like cold chills but worse
No Patience - whatsoever.

So I know if a friend of mine was saying all these things, I would think one thing (and believe me, I have even thought it too) - she's pregnant. But NOPE. Let me make that really, really clear. I'm NOT pregnant. Negative pregnancy test to prove it. There is no baby hiding in the midst of my flab.

Okay, so next thought? What's your diagnosis? Any doctors out there wanna give it a try? :)

I googled it. Yep. That's right. I got on the computer, went to Google (and WebMD) and typed in symptoms. I found my answer. I'm 99.75% sure that I have found the answer... Ready? Suspense killing you yet? :)

SSRI Discontinuation

Click HERE to view a great article on it.

So about 2 weeks ago, my prescription for Zoloft (my mood med) ran out. AND since we had no insurance (well, actually we did but I had no card to prove it or see who accepted it or anything like that), I just quit. Cold Turkey. Just stopped taking it and trying my darned-est to be a normal, happy, non-anxious soul.

About 3-4 days later, the symptoms started. The dizziness, the nausea, the upset tummy - whatever. I was fine. Then the vomiting (sorry, again), really upset tummy, vertigo, 'brain-shocks', etc set in. Even as I type this, the room is spinning and I feel queasy.

But there is a reason for it. I stopped my drugs - cold turkey. Because I ran out and had no money to see a doctor. And now, hopefully, I can look forward to the end. Symptoms usually only last 1-7 weeks. I'm ending week 2, starting week 3. And then hopefully, I'll be better.

Phew. At least I'm not pregnant! :)