Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pushing myself... and succeeding!

I've been on a mission lately. A mission to make ME happy.  A mission to do things that I want to do.  I've been trying to challenge myself to do things that scare me or that I think are hard but I want to accomplish.  I have the drive right now to push myself and succeed.

Example #1 - Weight Loss.
I decided that I wanted to lose some weight. My ideal goal was 150lbs by the end of this year.  Here is it, June 17th, so half way through the year, and I'm at 153.5 lbs.  3-1/2 lbs to go and I'm there - half way through the year.  I know I'll be there - probably in the next few weeks. In 9 months, I have lost 25+ lbs.  SUCCESS! New goal? 140lbs by the end of the year. And I will do that.

Example #2 - Fire Walk.
You know that post a few weeks ago where I was completely awesome and totally walked on fire?  Yeah. I did that. For me. Because you are told you can't do that and that it's crazy. But you know what? You CAN do that. I did it. And I plan on doing it again soon!

Example #3 - The "Pucker Pole".
Back up at the same place where I did the fire walk, they have a ropes course. I can't go into all of the details. I can't tell you about all of the events that they have there without giving away the secrets. But I'm going to show you some awesome pictures of me on the "Pucker Pole" (I can't remember what the real name is because I just thought the name "pucker pole" was awesome...)

 The "Pucker Pole"

Did you know that I'm scared of heights? Yep. Just a little bit. So what did I do yesterday?  I went back to the place where I walked on fire last month to help out with a group and see what the ropes course was all about. The activities were all about the small group that was there, but they offered to let me try a few of the activities myself. After watching for over half of the day, I decided I wanted to try this one. For ME.

(Click on any of the pictures to make them bigger!)
Top to Bottom, Left to Right
Me Conquering the Pole

It's pretty simple, but it produced such an amazing feeling. Climbing up the ladder until it runs out. Then climbing up the pegs until you reach the disc. Then pulling yourself up. Then figuring out how to stand up on the disc when you are 26 feet (I think that's what they said?) in the air. Then stand there. With your arms out. Then jump at that ball. Hit it. Then float to the bottom (that's what it felt like to me - floating.)  And have people come over and hold you and tell you how awesome you are and how proud of you they are. And it's such a loving environment. No judgement. You are all there to deal with something. To conquer. Some things are more intense and personal. Or something more simplistic, like a fear of heights. Or just to prove to yourself that you CAN do it.   
(...and that was just 1 event!)

 Me coming down - see that smile? :)

Yesterday was an amazing day. I was able to watch people have these revelations of themselves. And to make connections / friendships with strangers. And to build their self confidence. To work together as a team and love each other so strongly. If one was struggling, they were all there to tell them it was okay or that they could do it - they have faith in them. They are stronger than they think. They CAN do it.

...Just a really amazing day...

I'm going to go work with them again because I WANT to.  They have asked me to help out again in the future and I can't wait. I want to see these people succeed. I want to see them have their break through. I want to be a part of their process. I want to support them in making their life count. I want to do this because it matters to ME. By seeing them push themselves, I will continue to push myself... and continue to succeed.