Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Religious Rambling...

I've been reading a lot lately. And not just everyone's blogs or Facebook (though, I've been reading those too). Lately, I've read from 'The Friend', 'Ensign', 'Book of Mormon', different Primary manuals, and a book called 'Keeping It All Together in a Pull-Apart World'. Notice a theme? LDS maybe?

I've felt the need for extra strength lately. For guidance. For something... I've found several scriptures, articles and just 'handy' words. Something I've been trying to do before reading is to say a prayer for 'guidance to comfort / strength / help / feelings of good'. Just a quick - "hey God, it's me Mandy. I'm about to read so it'd be great if I got something out of it" kind of prayer. (No, I actually go a little more into detail and say it nicer, but basically, that's the main part of it...) And you know what? It's been working.

I like Prayer. It works. :) Prayer is something that I believe in with my whole heart. I love that when I'm feeling overwhelmed or sad or happy or whatever - I have someone who I can go to who will listen and help me or comfort me without interrupting or judging. My private prayers (when said silently and while I am laying down trying to almost fall asleep) tend to ramble into different places, but I always feel like I can say 'oops! sorry for going off on that tangent' and go back to the "thank you's" and the "I could really use your help" or the "please send love / comfort / blessings their way"... My kids, their prayers, are usually pretty much the same every night. DarTanion is starting to say a variety of things in his prayer and they usually make me smile. His most recent things involve "Please let me be able to play with Jordan or Stuart tomorrow and that my mom won't say I have to do something else so they can't come over". But he always asks for blessings of health for Robyn and his Uncle Sean. :) And it makes me smile. And it makes me tear up a little... Robyn has started saying prayers at night too (instead of just listening to the boys and saying AMEN when they are done) and it melts my heart. :)

Prayer brings me strength, but sometimes, I feel like I need something else. Or maybe that's where my prayers are leading me. And I go back to my reading. I've been guided to so many articles, scriptures and stories lately that have lifted my spirits and make me feel so peaceful. It's such a great feeling. :)

And my friends and neighbors - completely amazing. I can't begin to even describe the love I have for some of them. They have done SO MUCH for not only my family but for ME specifically. I stand amazed at the love that they continue to show... I hope I can be as good to them as they are to me.

My Visiting Teachers came over tonight. The lesson they felt inspired to teach was a great one on Trials and how they will make us stronger and able to related better with others. You know, it's true. :) And also, they said to be thankful for your trials - which may be hard, but if you can be thankful for your trials, you will be stronger. I totally agree. I've gone thru some trials here and there in my life but overall, it's been pretty boring and 'huge trial' free. But you know, it's in my patriarchal blessing to be thankful for trials because they will make me stronger and able to sympathize with others who are in similar situations - and I think it's SO true. :) I love it.

Anyway, I felt impressed to put these feelings down for who knows what reason, so I did.

Much love.