Monday, December 28, 2009


I hate when I feel like I have today. Just *blah*

I don't want to move. I don't want to be awake or get dressed or go grocery shopping or do laundry or dishes or clean or any of that. I don't want to look at bills or realize how broke I am or anything like that either. I don't want to call collection agencies, hospitals, medicaid, Cardon, more hospitals and doctor offices. I don't want to ask people for money so that I don't lose my house.

So what did I do today?
Pretty much all of that.
Dang it...

Tomorrow I should feel better. Tonight, I'm going to bed. Maybe I'll finally post pictures of Christmas or something.


Heather said...

I hope you had luck finding a job. It is totally understandable that you are feeling that way with everything going on in your life. I would be pretty down too if i were you and not want to do any of it. Way to go getting up and getting done what you needed to!

Cherlelynn Bednar said...

Know we're thinking of you and your family and hope that things get better soon.