Friday, November 7, 2008


Today was super fun.

I created this account; forgot that it was DarTanion's "early day" at school (where he has to go to school a 1/2 hour early); forgot Jessie's gift at my house; forgot to take my Prevacid; showed up late to go shopping with Jessie; went shopping all over Salt Lake (which really WAS fun); and found out that I locked my keys in my car.

Yep. Fun.

I just laughed because I haven't done that in forever, but I was so excited to go shopping with Jessie that I just hurried out of the car and locked it. Not realizing that I left the keys in the ignition. Yep.

SO, Jeremiah and the kids have to drive from Provo to Heber to bring a key to unlock the door and then we all have to drive back to Provo. Cuz I'm a dork and locked my keys in the car.

HA! :) I should probably be angry with myself, but all I can do is laugh. But I do feel bad cuz Miah doesn't feel great, but he still took the kids on after working so that I could go play. And now he has to come up just to pick me up and unlock a door.


Just wanted to share that. :)