Sunday, November 23, 2008

TWILIGHT! - The Mandy Movie Review...

Ok, so I saw Twilight. Twice. On Friday. Once at 11am and once at 9:30pm. Yeah...

NOTE: If you haven't seen it or at least READ it, then you won't want to read this blog... I'm not holding back to protect the story. I'm telling you what I thought of the movie.

When I saw it at 11am (with Angie, Kaye, and Alissa), I LOVED it and wanted more. I couldn't wait! I just had one or two things that I would have changed. When I saw it at 9:30pm (with Angie and Jeremiah), I had a chance to critique it a little more - which was helpful since Miah didn't read the book and we had the car ride home from Heber...

SO, I had a few issues...

*Jasper drives me crazy, but Jessica (one of the characters in Twilight) summed it up pretty much perfectly: "he always looks like he's in pain" SO TRUE!! That and it looks like he's trying to be all Edward Scissorhands-ish... But can't pull it off... It bothered me...

*Not enough Alice. I love her. And there wasn't enough of her. A vital part of her "story" was in Twilight (the book), but not the movie... That was a major deal to me...

*Character development in the movie wasn't up to par. You should care more about the characters than what I think someone who only saw the movie would. Like Jeremiah - this was his biggest complaint. He didn't really care about the characters. I think that if you have read the book that you might not notice this in the movie.

*Eyeliner. Edward's bottom eye liner throughout the entire movie drove me crazy.

*The meadow scene wasn't like it is in the book. And the sparkly isn't as sparkly. And the smelling doesn't really happen. And that made me sad because in the book, that is what sent my hormones a racing... Didn't happen in the movie...

*Rosalie over acts in the whole show and I didn't like her... But I didn't like her in the books either, so maybe it just spilled over for me...

*How they "run"... You can really sort of tell that they don't touch the ground...


*LOVED Alice's character. She was great. :) Basically what I pictured. (I am still sad that her presence and her story was shorter in the movie than it was in the book.)

*Liked how Edward was awkward around Bella. It makes sense to me because he considers himself a monster and pushed people away for "forever"... Basically he resigned himself to living without a companion and then this girl comes along and she intrigues him... He doesn't know how to act.

*When Bella is meeting the Cullen Family was pretty funny to me except for Rosalie...

*I really, really liked a 2-second part of the scene where Bella is putting all the pieces together that Edward is a vampire. She pictures HIM getting ready to "suck her blood". It's SMOKING HOT!!! I liked that a lot. Got me quite giggly. :)

*The "first kiss" scene in the movie... It was pretty great. Made me miss my passionate days... :) Did you know that it takes over 30 seconds for him to start moving in for the kiss before he actually makes contact with her lips? Yeah. I timed it the second time I saw it. :)

*Jacob and Mike. I liked them both a lot more in the movie than I did in Twilight.

*Jessica was perfectly cast. She is exactly what I pictured. :)

*Victoria... She's hot. And evil... Gotta love hot, evil chicks.

*Charlie and Billy Black. :) They were funnier in the movie than in the book - at least to me they were...

Over all, I liked it. I liked it a lot. And I would probably see it again if you invited me and I had a sitter. :) Because, let's face it - it's still Twilight, baby!!! :)

Me and Angie - being complete dorks.
Angie and Alissa - also being complete dorks....


Michelle D. Argyle said...

THANK YOU for the review!!!

This makes me want to see it even more. I'm sure I'll have similar complaints and likes...


Glad you enjoyed!